Science Bowl

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Science Bowl


Coordinator: Zetra Wheeler


Registration Deadline: Friday, February 24, 2023


Format: The Science Bowl format is structured as an all-teams event where teams compete head-to-head at the same time. There are four rounds of play. The first three rounds are “qualifying rounds.” They are played to identify the top six teams based on rankings. At the end of each qualifying round, each teams rank number will be added to their qualification score. At the end of three rounds the six teams with the lowest qualification scores move on to the championship round. A final “championship round” is played to determine 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place based on the final rounds game score. The top six teams competing in the championship round start with zero points. This format allows for a greater number of Tribal College teams to compete in the amount of time available for this competition. The following “Outline of Play” section will provide coaches, team captains, and teams with an understanding of how the competition will operate.

Note: ANLSAMP reserves the right to change any of the following guidelines and rules as time, space, or technical difficulties present themselves. For example, depending on the available space, the competition may be split into several rounds of play with a fewer number of teams each round.


Outline of Play

  • Participants
    • Teams - Each TCU can provide one team to compete in the Science Bowl. Teams will consist of 3 eligible students (see application for eligibility requirements). Teams can compete with less than 3 students. There will be no substitutions or alternates allowed. Students must bring identification with them on competition day and check-in prior to the event. You are advised to bring a copy of the email you receive from AMP stating your team has been accepted into the competition.
    • Team Captain - Each TCU team must designate one team member as the Team Captain. This person is responsible for providing the responses to the Science Bowl questions.
    • Team Coach - The Team Coach is responsible for preparing their team for competition and is not required to attend the matches. The specific strategy for how a team prepares is left to the individual schools and coaches.


  • Playing Field
    • Questions - The questions and corresponding answers are purchased and randomly selected from a question-bank. Topics generally cover areas like: Anatomy, Astronomy, Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Computers, Ecology, Electronics, Engineering, Mathematics, Measurement, Physics Science, Technology, and Zoology.
    • Layout - The room will have seating for all participating teams, a podium for the Quizmaster, and a large projection screen which will display the questions and potential answers.
    • Science Bowl Devices - Each Team Captain will be issued a remote response device during check-in to electronically convey their team’s answers to the questions.


  • Rules
    • VERY IMPORTANT! There can be no use of cell phones or other outside reference materials during the competition. Science Bowl staff will monitor the game. If anyone is seen with any other device or reference material play will be stopped and the offending team will be disqualified and asked to leave immediately.
    • If a coach or audience member interjects or "signals" any response to a question, including but not limited to any hand signals, mouthing, or whispering of answers, game play will stop and anyone involved will be disqualified and asked to leave immediately.
    • There will be no collaborating with other teams.
    • Participants cannot call out answers (even if they are just trying to be funny).


  • Play
    • Teams will be in place at the designated start time or disqualified (no excuses).
    • The Quizmaster will go over the rules of play at the start of the competition. Any changes will be announced at that time.
    • Team Captains will be asked to electronically check-in to the competition using the Team’s remote device.
    • To begin play, the first question will be displayed on a large screen and read by the Quizmaster.
    • Next, the answer choices will be read by the Quizmaster.
    • Teams will have 15 seconds to discuss and answer the question using the Team’s remote device. All teams attempt to answer the question.
    • Scoring: Correct answers start at 15 points and decline in value to zero points over the 15 second time period. In other words, correct answers are worth more points when they are answered quickly. Incorrect and unanswered questions are worth zero points.
    • At various points of the competition overall scores may be displayed.
    • When complete the tabulated scores will reveal each teams standing.
    • In the case of a tie score in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place the tied teams will participate in a tie-breaker round. The teams that are tied will be given a topic heading and asked to wager any amount of their accumulated points on their ability to provide a correct answer to a question read by the Quizmaster. The wager must be greater than zero and up to their team’s total points. Tie-breaker rounds will continue until the tie has been broken.


Registration Deadline: Friday, February 24, 2023

To register for this event, please download the application and email Zetra Wheeler (

PDF Document: Download and REGISTER
